Women's Circles

Monthly fellowship groups for women

What is a Women's Circle?

A monthly meeting for women of all ages to grow friendships, encourage one another, share together in God’s Word, and pray for one another. We usually gather the first Monday of the month.

How do I join a Circle?

Request to join a Circle. For more information on locations and events, please email Lauren Henderson at lauren@fpcstanley.org. 


Elizabeth Circle

Led by Tommi Rust: They carpool from the church at 6:30pm and meet in different homes of members at 7:00pm. They are studying on "She Believed He Could So She Did" by Becky Beresford.

Martha Circle

Led by Vicki Murphy: They meet in various homes at 6:30pm. They will continue their study though the Life Guide series on the subject of: Angels.

Readers Circle

Led by Lauren Henderson: They meet on campus downstairs at 7:00pm and read one book a month to discuss.

Ruth Circle

Led by Frankie Henderson: They gather on campus in the Parlor at 6:30pm and are studying the "You Were Made for this Moment" by Max Lucado.

Other Circles

Denver Circle

led by Vickie Smith: They meet at Vickie's house in Denver. They are studying: "Shaken" by Tim Tebow. Meeting dates and times will vary so sign up to stay informed.