Missions to the World

Pray, Give, and Go

Missions at FPC Stanley

“Go therefore and make disciples of all nations”… Matthew 28:19

It is estimated that nearly 50% of the world's population, including the United States, has never heard about God's grace and his forgiveness of sins through a saving faith in Jesus Christ.  

FPC Supports over 50 missionaries and mission agencies serving in our backyard, across the United States and all around the world.

Get involved and support our missions :

Pray - Praying for our missionaries and agencies is one of the most important things we can do to support their missions efforts. Visit our sign up page below to select who you feel led to pray for on a regular basis. Once you sign-up, you will receive emails with their updates whenever we receive them.

Give - Giving toward missions allows others to serve in the missions field and carryout God's command to share the saving grace of Jesus Christ with people all over the world. You choose where you would like your gift to be applied.

  • Faith Promise - 100% of what we receive in faith promise gifts goes to our supported missionaries and agencies who are listed on our prayer page.
  • Missions Grant - The missions grant fund is used to fund special missions projects as needs are presented and approved by our missions committee.  
  • Mission Trips - Specifically give toward a single mission trip or collectively for all mission trips.

Go/Serve - Mission service opportunities can be just a few hours, one day, several days or years. FPC typically offers several mission trips (locally, nationally and abroad) each year. Local service projects are available year round and are typically completed in a few hours or a few days. Longer term missions lasting months or years are available through our parent mission organizations: North American Missions, Global Missions. Additionally, you can join the missions committee at FPC to assist with organizing and planning missions events throughout the year.